Blessings Dear Angels!
Are you looking for spiritual and emotional support? Are you ready to expand your creative gifts in joy and sacredness, listening to the voice of Love in your heart? If yes, you are ready to allow Divine Love consciousness to lead your path and to express fully your Angelic Self—this book is for you “Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to your God-Self”.
“Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to your God-Self” epitomizes a holy portal of light, God’s divine qualities of love—activating the Stargate of the heart, the Tree of Life within “you” and in all life. This creative work and messages hold a sacred space for all human beings to move into unity consciousness. When crossing that bridge, true consciousness of unbounded love is revealed, well-being and divine creativity are released in limitless forms and expressions, as God’s blessings of love leads the way.
When creating this compilation, my primary incentive originated from my experience working with people and animals as an angelic channel and spiritual practitioner, with all the gifts emanating from these experiences through God’s divine guidance.
I am inviting you on a path where the personality is gently transcended with love so that the soul is free to express its infinite beauty and divine qualities.
“I am a part of a higher force and design. It is a Holy force. When I pay attention to it, accept it, and embrace it, I realize that it is Divine Love Consciousness loving me boundlessly. I then realize that this force lives in me.” (Exerts from the book)
Sarah Jeane
You may order: “Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to Your God-Self”
Published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House
The size of this BOOK IS 6” X 9” including 262 pages of spiritual insights
supporting your spiritual journey—presented in a Softcover, Hardcover,
or Ebook.