
Dear Sibli, since our session, I can’t begin to tell you all the wonderful things that are occurring in my life.
I am daily doing the prayer work you channeled for me. I feel as if a ton of bricks have been lifted from me.
I am so infinitely grateful.

Charlene de Lory

Thank you for the most Grace-filled, Compassionate experience of my life!!! I feel deeply held and loved by All of Creation and feel so clearly guided in my journey now on Earth. Thank you for holding me so closely to your Heart and so closely in all your prayers. I am so deeply blessed by all you do and all you share with me and with the world!!!

Janet G.

There are no words that would describe my eternal appreciation and gratitude for Sibli and her Divine gifts and healing ability she’s bestowed upon me and my life.  Forever thankful! 🩵


Since my work with Sibli Sarah Jeane, I have established a newfound connection to the Angelic realm that filters my daily life with the essence of Divine Love & Peace. In my remote sessions with Sibli we focused on space clearing both at TGP and at my home. After our recent home clearing session and field clearing, I noticed an improved difference in my son’s behavior and as a result in our relationship – no more defiance or power struggles that were common prior. My once tumultuous teen seems to have also found a newfound peace within. I can’t say enough about what a blessing Sibli has been in my life. If you’ve ever been curious about the Angels or already have a connection to them, do not miss this workshop on March 5th. Come and join this Luminous Angel on Earth named Sibli as she connects us to the highest vibration of Angelic love and light.

Sharada L.

At Sibli’s workshop, I was lying on the floor and following the guided meditation when I saw a radiant being standing in front of me. He had long, curly silver hair that fell to his waist and was clothed in silver-white robes that shimmered, and the robes were adorned with a bright blue stole on either side. I could sense his power, kindness and benevolence. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and the tears began welling up in me. Then I felt the presence of luminous beings surrounding me on either side. Although I could not see their forms, I felt their brilliant white light as it began to pour through me and move throughout my entire being. The infusion of this light became intense and I felt uplifted and began to call out the names of God. Finally, the energy was so strong I could contain it no longer and I let go with a loud primordial shout. I also had to lift my arms towards the ceiling to release more energy, and it felt like a high voltage electric current was pouring out of my hands. Since that time, I have felt clearer and lighter, as if my vibration has been raised. I also came to understand that the radiant being I had seen was one of my spiritual guides, Archangel Michael. I am so grateful for this amazing gift of grace.


Hi Sibli, I just returned from the Conscious Life Expo and wanted to thank you so much for your lecture that I attended with your beautiful meditation. I loved it and I love your art as well. I will purchase some items from you in the near future. Thank you for being there, you are an incredible Lightworker, and thank you for assisting humanity in our ascension. Many Blessings,

Stephanie Lent

Dear Sibli, I thank you so much for giving me a new life and renewed Hope, Love, Light, Peace, and Abundance for my life to unfold in service to the Highest with Grace and Ease. Your book continuously uplifts and supports me on all levels to go deeper into the Heart and to merge my small mind into God’s vast, incredibly beautiful and peaceful Mind to become Whole and Healed.
I love you and cherish our work together and of course the unbelievable and miraculous gifts, treasures, and wealth your sessions are continuously bringing to me. I am able to contemplate and hold them one by one with Love and in Sacred Space.
Also my friend A. wasn’t able to balance himself and walk before your sessions with him. He could hardly breathe either and he is doing all of this now!


Dear Sibli, I just listened to your recording of the session you did for me last night. I slept so well and had such a lovely day in nature, and I know why. It is Divine and Blessed the work you do and I’m eternally grateful!!!! I know now that your words of healing are really True and that I can fully accept myself as a pure angelic being. Thank you again and again for returning me to a place of Self-healing and Self-Compassion and bringing me home to the Heart of God and the Heart of Mother Earth. I send you so much love and so much gratitude!!!


It is the first time I experienced a healing miracle so powerful. I feel that God is giving me a second chance to live from a place of freedom in the Light. I am so grateful to Sibli for channelling the healing Light of God. I believe in miracles now! What happened Sunday switch my all being to another dimension with love.


I moved into a retirement home with special care. I have been epileptic, not able to walk, having tremendous pain in my knees, and the oxygen in my blood has been very low. I was tired all the time and depressed, I no longer wanted to live. I was feeling sick and heavy, in a dark place, just wanted to die. My brother who lives in California told me about Sibli’s powerful healing work and I asked for her help through my brother. I am so happy I did. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Sibli every day since my healing session with her. I experienced a complete shift, a wave of peace infusing my whole being and to this day. Now I can walk again with a walker and I am doing better every day. My legs are getting stronger. My oxygen level in my blood is now back to normal again. I take less medications and lower the dosages every day. The nurses sees that I feel better and better and that I am recovering. I smile again and have hope. I feel now protected, loved, happy, and more expanded, and constantly embraced by the boundless Light Love of God—feeling blessed.

Serge L.

Sarah Jeane Sibli have helped me on several various occasions through her healing sessions. I have never worked with an angelic channel before and didn’t know what to expect. Sibli truly changed my life and helped me find the way through very difficult situations and I am so so thankful. I now also feel more confident navigating through difficulties myself. Thank you for showing me the way. Dear Sibli when I think of you I think of Love, Light, and Joy. Thank you so much for your blessings and your angelic presence in our life! I am so glad we met.


The moments I have had the privilege to be in the presence of Sarah Jeane are some of the best of my life. She is able to connect with Spiritual energies that have brought tremendous peace, clarity, and insight. She gave insight into my son’s life purpose, helped assist in my Akashic memories, connected with my sister who has crossed over, and guided me in prayer where even my physical body felt better. I have worked with many spiritual people, and Sarah Jeane is truly unique and giving of her gifts to connect with angels. I recommend her to my family and friends because there is no way you leave her without being overflowing with Love and Peace.


I would like to share how valuable Sarah Jeane‘s books and insights have been to my spiritual evolution. I often turn to her book ‘Twelve Doorways of Light’ to gain inspiration and immediate connection to my higher consciousness. The messages through her art and word have become part of the spiritual fabric that I depend upon and I recommend her products to anyone wishing to remain in a higher state of awareness.

Sylvia S.

I have been blessed to know Sarah Jeane for several years. The times I have contacted her when struggling with painful challenges I felt right away a divine love light and peaceful protection embracing me and supporting me. With so much love and compassion she always guided me back to myself, awakening me to truly “see”—activating healing, harmony, love, and well-being in all aspects of my life. Sarah Jeane has been guiding me to see who I am. I always know when she prays for me “by distance” (I live across the ocean)—I experience the healing, the nurturing love, and protection. She has taught me to believe in miracles and miracles happened. I am so grateful to Sarah Jeane—she has been a true angel in my life guiding me on my spiritual path!

C. Laire

I know Sarah Jeane for a very long time, about 25 years. During all these years Sarah Jeane has been watching over me and my family, helping us so many times with different issues, I lost track of counting them. She is a very caring, compassionate, and loving human being—helping me to see things more clearly, understanding the sacredness of life and its oneness, always guiding me back to be in harmonic alignment with my Self—clearing my energy field so many times and clearing past traumas too.
One time, for a couple of days, a lot of things were happening to me—I was hurting my toes, dropping things from my hands, hurting my elbow, I was afraid to drive my car, so I called Sarah Jeane—she cleared my energy field and grounded me into the Earth and all was fine again, I came back into balance. I am so grateful to Sarah Jeane!


All the years I have known Sarah Jeane, she has worked wonders, helping me through the difficult moments and issues—guiding me to face the fears and worries I needed to work on and heal with her loving support, in order to stay on my spiritual path and allow my mission work. You are my angel, Sarah Jeane! I love you!

Christophe G.

J’ai travaillé avec Sarah Jeane pour nettoyer mon espace et me libérer des liens inutiles qui étaient encore accrochés à moi. Cela m’a apporté de l’apaisement, de la légèreté. Et cela m’a permis aussi d’apprendre des outils pour travailler, m’harmoniser et me libérer moi-même. C’était une période de prise de conscience, d’éveil.
Je remercie Sarah Jeane pour m’avoir aidé sur mon chemin et m’avoir aidé à trouver de la paix et de la confiance.

Translation from French (above):
I worked with Sarah Jeane to clear my space and be free from energies-attachments, which were not serving me any longer. This brought me calming-soothing reassurance and lightness. This helped me to learn tools to harmonize and balance my whole being. It has been a time of awakening, learning to be more conscious.
I give thanks to Sarah Jeane for giving me all this support on my path and for helping me to find peace and confidence.


I have received amazing energy field clearing, karmic release and hands on healing sessions from Sibli Essene. Her sessions are profound and nurturing, I felt lighter and more balanced. I always felt safe, understood, and supported by Sibli. This allowed me to open up increasingly more to my life purpose and to feel calmer and more comfortable in my physical Self. The result is beautiful, life changing and long lasting. Before meeting Sibli I had already worked on healing some emotional issues with little results but my healing work with Sibli made a big difference. I feel changed, happier and so much more connected. I cannot thank her enough about her dedication to be of service. She is an angel.”


I have assisted to Sibli Essene’s workshops. She is a pure angelic channel. I could always feel the high healing vibrational frequencies. I loved the workshop on the Violet Flame. She guided us through some amazing visualization and healings with the Violet Flame. I was then able to connect to this beautiful subtle energy and feel it and experience it. I now can use it in my life, it is an amazing tool and support. Thanks Sibli for creating such loving and powerful healing circles.”


Dearest Angel, since the session I have felt energized, committed to maintaining this high vibration, doing Solara’s meditation daily as well as yoga. So much has cleared—the integration process is being beautifully mirrored in my outer reality, all of my relationships already feel so much more satisfying and pure. I truly feel phenomenal, and so much better equipped energetically to respond to all of life’s happenings with peace and grace. Our session has really aided my transformation so beautifully.


Dear Sibli, I want to express my gratitude for all the teachings at your workshops. I have felt much peace out of the sessions. I truly feel I was guided to meet you❣️. You have inspired me to fulfill my heart with love and to shift my consciousness. I have always been too hard on myself. Your teachings have helped to enlightened me to open my heart and allow God source to heal me. I love the integrity and love that you place in teaching your workshops and sessions. I will continue to work on my purpose 🙏🏼 thank you 💕 You are a wonderful teacher. You are definitely guided by the angels. Sending you love.

Sylvia R.