Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are awakening to our divinity experiencing God’s Love—experiencing purification and spiritual transcendence leading to true Bliss in the Heart.

Through the Heart Chakra, the Fourth Chakra, Tifereth brings harmony, unlimited devotion and compassion into the world, connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm through the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral personifies, within its unique mathematical properties, perfect vibrational divine consciousness embedded within the Tree of Life—appearing in nature and forever evolving in harmonic synergy with Mother Nature. We are integrating higher consciousness experienced from the heart, in meditation, awareness, rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, freedom, wholeness, generosity and in all qualities of love and compassion. Tifereth is the realm of the Tenth Dimension: From the First Dimension, the first dimensional vertical axis from the core crystal of the Earth Being ends in the 9D, located in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way—connecting all Nine Dimensions creating the Tenth Dimension. Tifereth is associated with the Sun, providing light and life, the Light Source of all Rays, the Creator of the White Ray—the Home of the Elohim, Fulfillment.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are awakening to our divinity experiencing God’s Love—experiencing purification and spiritual transcendence leading to Everlasting Love emanating from the Heart.

Through the Heart Chakra, the Fourth Chakra, Tifereth brings harmony, unlimited devotion and compassion into the world, connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm through the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral personifies, within its unique mathematical properties, perfect vibrational divine consciousness embedded within the Tree of Life—appearing in nature and forever evolving in harmonic synergy with Mother Nature. We are integrating higher consciousness experienced from the heart, in meditation, awareness, rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, freedom, wholeness, generosity and in all qualities of love and compassion. Tifereth is the realm of the Tenth Dimension: From the First Dimension, the first dimensional vertical axis from the core crystal of the Earth Being ends in the 9D, located in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way—connecting all Nine Dimensions creating the Tenth Dimension. Tifereth is associated with the Sun, providing light and life, the Light Source of all Rays, the Creator of the White Ray—the Home of the Elohim, Fulfillment.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are awakening to our divinity experiencing God’s Love—experiencing purification and spiritual transcendence leading to the revelation of the Heart of Hearts.

Through the Heart Chakra, the Fourth Chakra, Tifereth brings harmony, unlimited devotion and compassion into the world, connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm through the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral personifies, within its unique mathematical properties, perfect vibrational divine consciousness embedded within the Tree of Life—appearing in nature and forever evolving in harmonic synergy with Mother Nature. We are integrating higher consciousness experienced from the heart, in meditation, awareness, rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, freedom, wholeness, generosity and in all qualities of love and compassion. Tifereth is the realm of the Tenth Dimension: From the First Dimension, the first dimensional vertical axis from the core crystal of the Earth Being ends in the 9D, located in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way—connecting all Nine Dimensions creating the Tenth Dimension. Tifereth is associated with the Sun, providing light and life, the Light Source of all Rays, the Creator of the White Ray—the Home of the Elohim, Fulfillment.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are awakening to our divinity experiencing God’s Love—experiencing purification and spiritual transcendence leading to the revelation of the Heart of the Galaxy.

Through the Heart Chakra, the Fourth Chakra, Tifereth brings harmony, unlimited devotion and compassion into the world, connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm through the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral personifies, within its unique mathematical properties, perfect vibrational divine consciousness embedded within the Tree of Life—appearing in nature and forever evolving in harmonic synergy with Mother Nature. We are integrating higher consciousness experienced from the heart, in meditation, awareness, rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, freedom, wholeness, generosity and in all qualities of love and compassion. Tifereth is the realm of the Tenth Dimension: From the First Dimension, the first dimensional vertical axis from the core crystal of the Earth Being ends in the 9D, located in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way—connecting all Nine Dimensions creating the Tenth Dimension. Tifereth is associated with the Sun, providing light and life, the Light Source of all Rays, the Creator of the White Ray—the Home of the Elohim, Fulfillment.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are walking into the Mind of the Sun, the realm of the Eight Dimension of Galactic Consciousness, the place of eternity, the womb of the Universe, the matrix upon all energy and matter exist, where emotions of the soul are filled with life force.

It is the field of Light and sound where the energetic spin of all sacred geometry originates.

Within the Eighth Dimension is the organized field of Light, all encompassing, where we experience the Love of God as a constant energy flow and source. It is the realm of the Back of Da’at, the Creator of the Orange Ray. We are walking into the Supreme Mind and Light, the Divine Mind of God. It is the High Heart, the Heart of the Soul. As we walk through this doorway, into this Holy Light, it is emitting specific light patterns and frequencies, holding harmonic existential synergies of beauty and love for all Beings. This realm is managed by the Galactic Federation (Cosmic Order of Great Divine Intelligence from Orion), eager to assist all human beings and all of life, inherently holding the highest qualities of God’s Peace Love Light consciousness.


Multidimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are a Ray of Light to animate all Life, walking and co-creating with God in the vastness of unlimited potentialities. The Great Father and the Great Mother unite and manifest in the spiritual sphere of every plane, in the bliss of supreme harmony and truth.

Da’at Front is true realization, understanding, and compassion united with true knowledge—associated with the Eleventh Dimension holding the potential for the co-creation of all spirits, forms, and universes and is the Creator of the Silver Ray. Within this dimension is the seed of all universes, manifesting the energetic substance to create universes. It is the realm of true divine knowledge and unity—the Divine Mind of God is activated in humankind. It is associated with Pluto. The Element Fire, the Father, and the Element Water, Mother, are united and manifested within that realm. We are living the experience of our God-Self, living in the Divine Mind and Heart of God. We are in the High Heart, the Heart of the Soul, infused with the Love, Light, and Divine Knowledge of God. The High Heart is located just above our physical Heart in the center of our chest, right below the Fifth Chakra.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are receiving the spiritual awareness to embrace and integrate with joy the Divine Living Presence of God allowing all light bodies to be expressed through the Seventh Chakra; from that source all energies are filled with Divine Light. We experience our Divinity.

The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life are activated as “One” in the Fifth Dimensional consciousness—the Garden of Eden is revealed in the oneness of spirit and matter.

Kether or “Infinite” is the Crown of the Tree of Life, the assimilation of all spiritual work and divine knowledge. It is the divine realization of God’s Omnipresence, through the Heart, the Seat of the Self, symbolized by the Lotus. Kether represents the beginning of Creation, the gate between the unmanifest and the world being accessible to human consciousness, a process where the four elements are born by the Angels of Kether, the Holy four Seraphim represented in the form of the Bull, Lion, Eagle, and Humankind. Kether represents the Fifth Dimension (5D), Rozia, the Garden of Eden realized. The Alpha Chakra, directly related to Kether, is located about eight inches above the head, connecting all lower bodies, Malchut, the Earthly Dominion directly related to the Omega Chakra, both chakras acting as anchors. Kether is associated with the Planet Neptune and is the Creator of the Violet Ray.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


Chochmah is the first power of consciousness, knowledge, and intellect within Creation, representing the Father (Divine Masculine), the right brain hemisphere, in the space of the Third Eye or Sixth Chakra.

In that space you are experiencing the deepest meditation, ultimate benevolence and masterful creativity, also moving into mastery consciousness of the intellect—revealing truth. Chochmah represents the Twelfth Dimension (12D), which is unity consciousness—no separation of any kind. It is the fusion of all dualities into unity consciousness.

Twelve dimensional consciousness is the Source, the Creator of All That Is, experienced in truth.

On that level of Creation, integration of multi-dimensional consciousness occurs.

The union of Chochmah (the Father) and Binah (the Mother) represents the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is referred to in the Zohar as “two companions that never separate”. This sempiternal sacred union is essential for the everlasting rebirthing and rejuvenation of the world. Chochmah is associated with the Planet Uranus and is the Creator of the Golden Ray of Transformation.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


Through Binah we have access to the Sacred Languages of Light opening channels of crystalline vibration so that the body works directly with divine intelligence—the seeds of Truth.

Binah represents the womb or the Mother, the left brain hemisphere, the Creator of the Yellow Ray—Illumination.

Spiritual love, awareness, and discernment sourcing from the Heart are experienced. These crystalline divine qualities and channels form three Crystal Jewels in the Third Eye in the shape of a Pyramid. They are allowing an energetic flow moving to a spiritual template over the Crown Chakra, communing with the highest vibrations of unconditional Love and supreme Light. From Binah is sourcing the sacred languages from the Third Eye—a vibratory field that activates the Eight Chakra through the Seventh Chakra. Binah represents the Third Eye or Sixth Chakra, the Second Dimension (2D)—the realm between the Iron Core Crystal and the curved crust of the Earth. The union of Chochmah (the Father) and Binah (the Mother) represents the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is referred to in the Zohar as “two companions that never separate”. This sempiternal sacred union is essential for the everlasting rebirthing and rejuvenation of the world. The union of Chochmah and Binah leads to the birth of the seven attributes of the heart, the Seven Days of Creation (the womb of the Mother). Binah is associated with the Planet Saturn.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


In this sphere we experience appreciation embracing the joy of life—the divine experience of willingness, courage, and poise.

Gevurah is the fusion of all living Light, the activating source of multitudes of color spectrum frequencies, electromagnetic fields, supporting spiritual enlightenment, the Home of the human spirit—the Creator of the Green Ray—Dedication.

Divine power is awakened within, reprogramming all atomic and biophysical components of the vehicle DNA/RNA, activating the process of rebirthing through the Sacred Languages of Light.

Gevurah is the left Roszian Eye located on the left side of the Heart. It is the realm of the Sixth Dimension, the Fifth Chakra, the source of all divine laws, the realm of sacred energetic geometrical patterns, divine design and blueprint from where all life has its source. Gevurah, in Hebrew means discernment. It is the source of divine strength experienced within the new body of Light—the Power of the Lord. The “left arm” of Gevurah identifies and guides the ones who have moved away from their God-Self. Gevurah is the great Fire of God, of Divine Justice, Christ returning—the return of all True Power to God’s People. It is associated with the Planet Mars.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are within the realm of the human collective mind, the amalgam of individual thoughts and feelings, the Fourth Dimension (4D), the Fifth Chakra— is the Creator of the Pink Ray—Love.

The Astral World, the Fourth Dimension, resides between the Third Dimension and the Stars, encompassing and inviting messages from Divine Beings of Light, including Angels of Light. From Chesed flows merciful qualities, bliss, deep love, realized interpersonal love and union, tenderness, gratitude, trust, abundance, respect, and achievement. In Chesed, the Earth Being has been seeded with the Roszian vibrational frequency, the Garden of Eden revealed, which leads the way from 4D to higher dimensions of Light—5D and beyond. Chesed is the boundless giving nature, forming a triad with Tifereth and Gevurah, balancing all three forces of the Heart (Tifereth), courage with willingness (Geburah) and generosity (Chesed). The sacred union of Chochmah and Binah leads to the birth of the seven attributes of the Heart—on the right side of the Tree of Life. Chesed represents the Seven Days of Creation (the womb of the Mother), the right side of the Heart—unconditional love and vision of love. It is associated with the Planet Jupiter.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are in a good place to receive protection from Archangel Michael, from all that is unseen, on all levels and dimensions of life. Within that realm we have the ability to acquire knowledge and wisdom relating to the divine science and nature’s intelligence—in holy ways, directly from the highest Source, God, inviting reason and truthfulness, a Divine Creative Force uniting all life.

Hod represents the realm of the Ninth Dimension, located at the end of the spinning vertical axis in the black hole, in the center of the Milky Way. Hod located in the center of the Milky Way, is a place of Eternal Bliss (9D). Within the forces of the black hole, it holds the love consciousness of God within all planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions, also infusing with holy light energy frequency the essence of every being all the way to the cellular structure. This synergy activates the expression of our Higher Being. It is an awakening—it is breathing with God.

Hod is the vertical axis of divine creative communication, ability, and skill, developing the mind through education, various languages, teaching, writing, math, and technology. Within this realm we learn to use all thoughts in divine creative ways to serve a higher purpose. Hod represents the Third Chakra, on the left side of Yesod and is associated with the Planet Mercury. It is the Creator of the Teal Ray—Abundance.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane



We are within the realm of the Seventh Dimension7D is associated with sound, the universal communication system of the Galaxies. It is the home of boundless creative imagination, the realm of all cosmic sounds generating the 6D geometric field by vibrational resonance.

It is important to be anchored within the One Sacred Heart regarding all matters of life—the fundamental essence and source of the Higher Self—in order to experience the spiritual resonance and balance of Netzach. The element Fire is associated with Netzach, also associated with the energy of the Heart in nature, and the aspects of Venus revealing the symbology of love associated with Mars (Gevurah): bringing forth a vibrational vision of beauty and romance. Netzach represents the realm of feelings, emotions, sentiments, and sentimentality and relates to brightness, sincerity, and truth. It is the home of creative imagination, supporting those who choose to uplift the world by their divine presence and divine work—living from the one heart of God within and without, forever in service expressing their God-given gifts. Netzach is the third chakra located on the right side of Yesod. Associated with the Planet Venus, it is the Creator of the Blue Ray—Sempiternal creative flow and movement.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


We are in the place where Angels assist our prayers to be sent to God, to be divinely manifested within the world of physicality. It is the realm of the Third Dimension and the Second Chakra: The regenerative center of energy—the physical dimension—the linear space and time on Earth where we humans have been living with other biological creatures and plants.

Yesod is the sphere of the energetic nature of both mind and matter, called the Aether, inviting and allowing spiritual transcendence within the physical plane—holding the attribute to unite Heaven and Earth, revealing the Garden of Eden within and without. Yesod is the world of beingness, transmitting the highest qualities and light energies from the spiritual bodies to the physical body, from one realm to another. It is the realm of the minerals, plants, and animals—the spiritual world of Angels—the human being who has a spiritual soul and physical body with the ability to transmit energies from one world to another. This realm guides us to discover our true identity. Yesod enhances your ability to assimilate the life force, prana. Yesod centered between Malchut (the body), Hod (thinking), and Netzach (feelings) balances these three forces to serve higher purposes. Yesod associated with the Moon is the Creator of the Royal Blue Ray—Commitment.


Multimedia Art by Sibli Sarah Jeane


Within this sphere we are deeply cared for and prepared for divine work. Malchut represents the maternal aspect of the Creator—the womb of creation. Malchut relates to the earthly dominion—the physical world, the planets, and the solar system. We have access to the existence of divine sources of intelligence beyond the matters of the Earth. Within this sphere, the Archangel Sandalphon gives us permission to enter the Tree of Life and all its spheres, as we choose to express all qualities of love, reverence, and compassion. Within Malchut, the abiding attributes of the Feminine, the Shechinah, convey boundless nurturing Love leading to unity consciousness. Malchut represents the First Chakra directly related to the Omega Chakra located about eight inches below the end of our spine, connecting us to the Earth Being through an holographic grid of incarnations, anchoring the lower bodies. The Alpha Chakra and Omega Chakra form the electric, magnetic, and gravitational functions and act as anchors. Malchut represents the First Dimension, the Iron Core Crystal located in the heart center of the Earth Being. The vertical spinning axis starting within the Iron Core Crystal in the First Dimension ends in the Ninth Dimension, located in the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Within this vertical axis (10D) all dimensions are connecting. All Dimensions, within the Earth, are sourcing from the First Dimension of Gaia. The Core Crystal of the Earth has consciousness, emanating energetic fields of sounds, forms, symbols, and images connecting all life in sacred ways within an extraordinary divine design. Malchut is the Creator of the Red Ray and is deeply associated with the Earth Being.