Sibli with a Parrot at Akumal Monkey Sanctuary

This friendly Macaw lives free in the jungle with his friends, within the Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, where injured and traumatized Monkeys and other animals are being rehabilitated.

Dear Friends and Angels,

May you all be blessed! I thank you for visiting my booth, at the Conscious Life Expo, for attending the Healing Light Meditation, and for your loving support. We all came together at the Expo to bring more Love and Light and Peace in our Lives, in our Relations and in the World. It has been a great pleasure and joy meeting you. We had such a beautiful sacred time! I pray that you received the loving support you were looking for during that weekend. Our Light and unconditional Love uplift and heal all Hearts. All of Life with Mother Earth loves you.
I will inform you when I will again offer “Zoom” Healing Light Meditations.

You are invited on a deep healing Journey within Mother Earth, her Sacred Garden. You will release energies and programs which do not belong to you, raise your frequencies to be impervious, heal your bodies, and awaken your highest Light and Path of Destiny.
IMPORTANT: Please bring yoga mats and blankets for your comfort to keep warm if you choose to lay down during the deep Healing Meditation. When we start the Journey, I recommend that you let go completely, to receive the powerful Healing Light in all your bodies, minds, and hearts, cells, molecules, and atoms of your bodies.
– If you wish to register in advance, please click on this link below:

* If you are guided to receive deeper healing and if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me, or please feel free to forward my website and contact info, to anyone you know who is in pain and is looking for help to release these energies, heal, and come back to peace and harmony • Website:
• Contact:  310-804-3821 &

HEALING SESSIONS: I offer healing sessions on Zoom or Messenger or WhatsApp for people all around the world. I also will meet you at your home, if this is your wish. Love Light flow knows no separation, there is only Oneness. When we clear our field and chakras from linguering energies which do not belong to us, all bodies are healing naturally, including the physical body—we don’t have to live in pain.

Below, you will find a list of my services as an angelic channel healer and master practitioner of energy medicine.
Additionally, you may read about my services as a graphic artist, artist of light, and author.

Sibli Sarah Jeane, Angelic Channel Healer, Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine

Feel free to contact Sibli with your questions and if you wish to schedule healing sessions.

– Order Sibli’s books – info healing sessions:


– Contact Sibli at: 310-804-3821

Sibli at Unity of Santa Barbara Flyer


*** “Invite Sibli to channel at your events and present Healing Light Journeys” ***

“Invite Sibli to your home for a few days to experience deep healing sessions daily—this includes nutritional guidelines, breath work, meditation, and gentle yoga adapted to your needs and healing path!”

Sibli's booth #83, at the Conscious Life Expo 2025 LAX Hilton - THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR VISIT!

Final Expo


• Contact Sibli at: • 310-804-3821
• Artistic store online, galleries, order her books, info healing sessions: •

Angelic Channel-Healer • Author • Artist of Light
Multidimensional Energy Healing

• Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine, Shamanic Energy Healer – Soul Retrieval.
• Sibli channels, practices, and teaches a Healing Modality named by the Angels:
“Synergism into Love, Angelic Light Codes for Harmonization”.
• “Soul Memory Discovery” Practitioner and Teacher.
• “Past Life Healing” • “Theta Healing” Practitioner and Teacher.
Angelic Light Code Channel
Graphic Artist and Artist of Light

“In higher dimensions, Sibli experienced her pure angelic self, immersed in divine Light and unity consciousness, guided by Celestial Beings. Inspired by these encounters, she shares the transformative power of Light to serve all of Life. As an artist, author, and angelic channel healer, her creations embody peace, harmony, and reverence for all, expressing the sanctity of life.”

Sibli is a channel of service to all of Life, working in communion with the Angels and Masters of the Light, the Luminous Beings. From within a sacred space, she is a conduit to assist humanity and all beings. She offers energy healing sessions and workshops in person or online—one on one, couples, and groups.

The Portal of Healing Light Sibli has been blessed to channel, is powerful and people experience profound healings on different levels during her healing sessions and workshops. Within a powerful sacred space, Sibli explains the healing process at length, so everyone is deeply guided to focus within their Hearts, basking within a healing chamber of Light.
The classes, teachings, meditations, and healings support your awakening and your ability to embody your infinite Self, your higher Light, balancing, clearing, and upgrading the energy field, activating healing in all bodies on all levels. During the process there is a liberation of your higher Light, inviting you on a new path to co-create a world of peace and harmony.

When we clear our energy field, we then upgrade our frequencies and we naturally heal all our bodies—the ego heals and the physical body heals.

Feel free to invite Sibli to offer healing channeling classes, meditations, and workshops—small and/or large groups.
If you wish to invite Sibli, please feel free to contact her at 310-804-3821.

1• Sibli teaches people how to create a safe Sacred Space and why it is important to do so. Learn to live within a clear and sacred space, in communion with Father Sun and anchored within the Heart of Mother Earth. To be in communion with the Earth Being, the Lumnous Beings from all sacred directions, and to live with a consciousness of the Sacred, supports your work of service in love, your well-being, and balance.
Sibli opens Sacred Space in ways that are guiding her protégé/client to bask in the Light of Creation, to bask in the Light of the Divine Mother and Father, in communion with all Sacred Beings and Mother Earth, all the Stars, and Sacred Mountains, Angels of the Light and Archangels, Masters of the White Brotherhood-Ascended Masters, Star Beings from the Highest Dimensions of Light.
Sibli teaches how to bask in the oneness within the sacred web of Light, that is the Light of Creation and how to be protected.
Sibli is also certified as a “Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine” to teach and pass on the bands of power and protection and additional activations. These bands of protection are also enhancing your health, strength, and life force.

2• How to clear your Energy field: How to sustain the energetic field clear and why it is important to do so. You will learn how to recognize and release intrusive energies and entities, earthbound spirits that are blocking light within your auric field and your joy of living. You will feel lighter, more peaceful, happier, and more connected. You will move deeper within the Heart and core center of your being. You will learn to release energies, which do not serve you and do not belong to you. You will learn to connect with your God-Self and raise your frequencies.

3• Heal painful unresolved issues with your loved ones who have passed on: When you clear the energetic field, you additionally release earthbound spirits into the Light of God and often, some of them, are friends or family members. People wish to heal painful unresolved issues with their loved ones who have passed on. Within this sacred space, from the Heart with love and reverence, you are guided to heal painful unresolved issues with your loved ones who have passed on. Then in prayer, you guide them with all earthbound spirits that are in your field, into the Light of God. It is important to heal painful unresolved issues with your loved ones who have passed on, to set yourself free and to set them free. Within a sacred space, this is the moment to communicate with them from the Heart with love and reverence—assisting your loved ones to move into the Light of God with ease and grace and in peace. These are profound touching moments, and joyous moments, when these relationships are infused with the Love, Peace, and Light of God.

4• Release and heal traumas, painful issues, PTSD, and karmic issues—DNA-RNA, Cellular Reprogramming—Past Lives Healing—Soul Retrievals: Welcome and receive multidimensional energy healing, clearing your life path and energy field, retrieve soul loss and release traumas, in this lifetime and past lives. Upgrade your energy field to heal on all levels. Additionally, experience deep energy healing, clearing, harmony, and empowerment in your relationships and work of service.

5• Sibli channels, practices, and teaches a Healing Modality named by the Angels “Synergism into Love”: Angelic Light Codes for Harmonization”, induces the body to express itself in truth, by locating specific beliefs causing energetic blockages within the physical body and in some aspects of your life. These blockages are linked to emotional and physical pain, sometimes unresolved issues, and traumas. When such painful hidden programs within the physical body are energetically located, it is possible to release them and transform them into “love-wisdom” by the Healing Light—liberating the freedom of your spirit, your ability to expand your gifts in love and harmony from the core center of your Being—this process heals and balances the ego.

6• How to clear places and spaces—workplaces and play-spaces, homes, and lands. Infuse your living spaces with blissful peace and harmony.

7• Activate your One Sacred Heart to love “your Self” and all Beings, and all of Life unconditionally: Healing and unification of all your hearts to awaken and bring into oneness your One Sacred Heart and Divine Mind is leading to an ascension and communion of Love with all of Life.

8• Heal and let go of past lives issues and traumas: A safe journey, a guided meditation, leading to Past Life Exploration, Regression Therapy, and Energetic Release. When the pain is gone and replaced with the infinite Love Light Blessings of the Divine and the presence of your Angelic Guides, you are completely free.

9• Channeled Shamanic Journeys to embody your Higher Light, your God Self, your Angelic Self into the Sacred Garden, within Mother Earth and into the Upper World: The Wisdom from your past is revealed, you are raising your frequencies to be of service from the highest place of Love and Honoring. You are empowering your Light from the core of your Being.
Sibli teaches and channels diverse Powerful Healing Journeys into the Earth, within her Sacred Garden to reconnect on deeper levels with Mother Earth and all her sacred beings, raising our frequencies, clearing our field, embodying our Luminous Self. Our deep communion with Mother Earth allows us to heal, to embody our higher Light, and co-create with Source, with God. Sibli teaches also a Journey to the Upper World to meet and embody the infinite qualities your Infinite Self for Healing, to empower your path of Light and your highest destiny.

10• How to be of service as a Lightworker in Integrity and Honoring. Important guidelines and teachings to become a channel-healer, working in integrity, inviting, and allowing the Pure Love of Father Mother God, Pure consciousness, and your Divine Guidance team to be in charge. Learn to be a clear channel-healer in honoring, compassion, gratitude, and unconditional love. Learn to let go and let God. Learn to commune with the Masters of Light, Stars Beings from the Highest Dimensions of Light, Archangels, and Angels of the Light, all your Divine Guides, and Nature’s Intelligence, the Sacred Spirits in Nature.
Learn to raise your frequencies—activate and expand the “light life force” from a deeper level of your being and hearts with breath work, clearing layers of your multidimensional being. Become aware of your energetic frequency to live in a more conscious way of your mission and purpose—awakening to joy and well-being. Reconnect deeply with Mother Earth-the animal kingdom, the sacred garden, all sacred relations to be fully supported by the Mother loving embrace.
Sibli teaches how to safely activate your pineal gland, your third eye, to be a clear channel. This consists of healing and balancing the ego at the core center of your Being—for your Solar Plexus to shine like a bright sun, so that your Heart unfurls Loving kindness expressing your God’s Given Gifts into the world.

11• Learn to work with St. Germain, the Angels of the Violet Flame, and the Violet Flame, the sacred flame of transmutation and purification. Receive the gift of its Divine Essence and infinite pure Light Love consciousness. Discover the metaphysics of this Sacred Flame—Harmonize your life, heal your relationships and bodies, raise your frequencies also encompassing all aspects of your life. As you work with this sacred flame, you also contribute to global Peace and Harmony.

12• Learn to read energetic frequencies (Unity Bovis): Discover the level of life-force in your whole being, as well as any object, water, food, and place. Learn to raise your energetic frequency—activate and expand the “light life force” from a deeper level of your being and hearts with breath work and clearings. Become aware of your energetic frequency to live in a more conscious way of your mission and purpose—to bring forth further joy and well-being into your life. Learn to reconnect with the core center of your Beingness.

13• Tree of Life and Tree of Wisdom-Knowledge Activation and Integration within the Garden of Eden- A journey within the Sacred Garden that is a complete Reconciliation with Life and your Self. Healing journey with the Earth. You will finally feel safe on Earth.
Within a Sacred space raise your frequencies, activate all Divine qualities of God/all Aspects of the Tree of Life and Wisdom within your beingness to experience your pure essence, your God-Self. Invite a flow of Love, Peace, Divine Life Force and Light to awaken and support your ascension. Anchor all Divine qualities of God and corresponding Light Rays within specific energetic centers, within the Sacred Heart, and within your whole Beingness. This process increases your capacity to Love from the One Sacred Heart, allowing your creative abilities and potentialities to expand, to be of service in furtherance of Global Peace and Harmony.

14• Rejuvenate and Heal with the Earth, and in the Heart Center of Mother Earth, in communion with the Core Crystal of Mother Earth. Travel into the Heart of Mother Earth, her Garden of Eden, high dimensions of Light, supported and guided by the Luminous Angelic Beings within a Chamber of Light. Create your personal Sanctuary of Peace within the Heart of the Sacred Garden, among Nature’s Spirits, the Sacredness of the Unicorns, and Angelic Luminous Beings. Empower your Heart’s desires and dreams within these high dimensions of Light in the Heart of the Divine Mother, in the Garden of Eden. Heal within the Heart of Mother Earth in her Garden of Eden. Experience your Oneness with all Creation and your infinite Crystalline Essence within the Garden. This process opens the Heart in nurturing ways, awakens your Higher Light, and expands your consciousness to see and know truth.

15• Clear, balance, and energize your Energetic Centers or Chakras by embracing the Luminous Light of the Sacred Father Sun and the nurturing Love Light of Mother Earth dwelling within her Garden of Eden. Your Chakras are power centers connected with universal energies. The Angelic Luminous Beings activate the flow of Pure Divine Sun Light within your Chakras to make you whole, healthy, energized, and balanced, supporting the embodiment of your God Self, your Angelic Self, to be of service from the highest place of Love and honoring.

16• Anchor all your Senses into your One Sacred Heart, infused by Luminous Light Rays. This process and guided meditation empower your Light and Awakening.

17• Hands on Healing – Energetic Healing Surgery, takes place within a Chamber of Healing Light, in the presence of the Luminous Beings, Angels of the Light, the highest Divine Guidance Team of Healers, in the Divine Love, Light, Peace of God—the Holy Healing Hands of the Master Healers of the Light are guiding the healing process in all bodies.

18• Healing Power of Animals—Animal communication
You are invited to this healing class to better understand all animals, all beings from the animal kingdom, to know how to communicate with them, and to discover the healing power of their divine presences in your lives. They are Angelic Devas in communion with Mother Earth, and we live in oneness with them. The moment we open our Hearts to their Divine Spirits and Love, honoring them and Mother Earth, our lives and health transform. We then naturally move into deeper wisdom and compassion.
Sibli has helped numerous animals heal with their human parents. Her practice is “Love energy communion”, from the One Sacred Heart in the Oneness of Creation.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.Mahatma Gandhi.

19- Teachings and classes based on Sibli’s 3 books – “Odyssey with the Angels, A reconciliation with Life”, “Twelve Doorways of Light, A portal to Your God Self” & “Sacredness of Life”: Healing Miracles are possible—our energetic divine design holds the Oneness. How to experience Healing Blessings and Miracles, basking in the Divine Light of God—how to embody our angelic self, our higher Light.

20- Sibli is certified by The Four Winds Society as a Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine and also as a Munay-Ki Mesa Carrier Practitioner to pass on the Rites of the Munay-Ki, Rites of Empowerment. In the Quechua language, “Munay” means Universal Love“Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy as in Life Force. Together, these words mean the Power of Love. As the ten rites of the Munay-Ki germinate, our heart awakens, and we feel empowered to dream an entire new world into being – the world that we yearn for our children’s children to inherit.
The rites of the Munay-Ki are: The Healer’s Rite, The Bands of Power, The Harmony Rite, The Seer’s Rite, The Day Keeper’s Rite, The Wisdom Keeper’s Rite, The Earth Keeper’s Rite, The Star Keeper’s Rite, The Creator’s Rite, and the Rite of the Womb.


Artist Services
Graphic Design • Logos
• Book Covers, Jackets and CD Covers,
• Illustrator • Art Director •
• Paintings • Murals • Portraits •
• Realism, Symbolic, and Visionary Light Art •

Artist of Light – Graphic Artist – Illustrator – Art Director 
Art Consultant for Home & Business – Decorative Art

1- Sibli creates and channels, various graphic artistic projects to support your business such as logos, business cards, posters, book covers, CD covers, artistic images and graphics to enhance your “work of service and messages” with positive uplifting energies and frequencies of Light.

2• Sibli creates and channels “Activation-Ascension Light Art” for your home and business raising the frequencies (murals, posters, artistic prints on various support), energetically uplifting your living spaces.

3• Sacred Personal Empowering Painting: Within a sacred space, Sibli connects from her Heart with your Soul-Heart calling, in honoring and Love. Within a beautiful sacred space, an awareness of your Soul’s Divine purpose is revealed to her Higher Self. She then artistically expresses this vision. It is an Activation-Ascension painting that is personal to your mission on the Planet—an energetic loving support of boundless Light. In the process, within a sacred space, Sibli proceeds with an energetic field clearing to open the space for you to be free to express your work of service through this new Portal of Light, this artistic image, from the highest Dimensions—in all the Love and Light of Creation.

• Sibli invites you to visit her store online to decorate your living spaces with beautiful artistic objects that are uplifting, healing, Light enhancing, harmonizing, and clearing, practical and useful in your daily lives, at



SIBLI – Sarah Jeane – Biography

Sibli is an artist of Light and graphic artist, illustrator and art director, author, angelic channel-healer, and Master Practitioner in Energy Medicine. She chooses to express “Light, the Sanctity of Life”, in all that she creates in furtherance of peace and harmony for all beings and our world.
Sibli has been on a spiritual quest her whole life, practicing meditation, channeling, healing modalities, yoga, breath work, and deep Heart communion with Nature’s Intelligence. Embraced by the Light, Healed by God, guided by Luminous Beings in out of body experiences, Sibli travelled into higher dimensions of Light to faraway places throughout the Universe and throughout time and space. She experienced her angelic self, her luminescence, unity consciousness, God’s unconditional Pure Love, the Heart of God within her beingness and in All That Is. Also, in Heavenly realms the Angels invited her to sing the name of God, in her Angelic Soul embodiment. These experiences are the catalyst of the Light work she has been guided to convey to the world, of service to humanity, all beings, and all of Life.

From 1975 to 1997, in Europe and the U.S., after many years working in the film industry and various companies as an art director, background artist, illustrator, graphic artist, and color stylist, she was guided to dedicate her creative gifts to serve a higher purpose and be of service using her God Given Gifts. On this journey, Sibli has been led to discover her true purpose, to be of service as an Artist of Light, a Channel-Healer, a Practitioner of Energy Medicine-Shamanic Energy Healer, an Author, teaching and helping people to clear their energy field, release and heal pain, and to embody their Angelic Self, their Higher Light—all around the world.

Within a sacred space, in the Divine Light of Father Mother God, Sibli communicates and works daily with Angelic Beings, Masters of Light, Luminous Star Beings from higher dimensions of Light, and Nature’s Intelligence.
She is expanding her light work around the world with her creative art, healing-channeling gifts, and healing classes. Her creative works are Doorways of Light. You may read additional information about her healing services, visit galleries and her beautiful artistic store online to decorate your living spaces, from this following website

Her books are doorways to the Sacred Heart to experience the God-Self “Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to Your God-Self” and “Twelve Doorways of Light: Sacredness of Life”. Her latest book “Odyssey with the Angels: A Reconciliation with Life”, epitomizes a reconciliation with all of Life, divine channeled messages, prayers, and meditations raising your frequencies and awakening your consciousness to embody your pure being. The Angelic Luminous Beings are illuminating your path, inviting you to dream from within your One Sacred Heart where you are co-creating with God—you are discovering your soul calling, your capacity to be a conduit of Love, Peace, and Beauty.