Please join us for a Holy Time, Monday, June 27, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Experience the Heart of God, the LOVE of the Mother—as we Ascend!
Profound Healing Meditation within the Heart of Mother Earth hosted by Sarah Jeane
Master Edwing is gifting us with the Holy sounds of the Zithers, sacred instruments and sounds he received from the Great Masters—Holy Sounds to experience God, LOVE—ONENESS! What a blessing to all of us!
Location: the Holman Group: 9451 Corbin Ave, Suite 100 Northridge, CA 91324 • Gate Code # 5678
• If you have questions please contact Sarah Jeane at: or contact JaiSwaha Ron Holman at 818-298-6100 • Energy Exchange to support this Holy Process, an awakening of boundless LOVE in our Lives and our World: $32.00 or what you feel in your heart! Are you looking for ways to release stress, let go, surrender and experience God? Are you longing for increasing Love and explore furthermore that sacred peaceful place in your Heart and expand that Holy Love to all beings? If you do, this “sacred healing meditation and journey” is for you! • Sarah Jeane, (angel therapist, multidimensional channel, spiritual practitioner healer, author, visionary artist, and spiritual teacher— along with Master Edwing (channels healing holy sounds directly from the Masters) invite you on a healing journey, an experience of your Divine Vibrational Frequency—an experience of God’s Love within the Heart and nurturing Love of Mother Earth. Within that high and holy frequency healing occurs naturally—we come back to our “God-Self” and experience Bliss in the Heart and Love of the Mother. “Healing is remembering who we are!” “These Holy Prayers/Sounds are leading us to experience true unconditional Love for one another and for our World! We Unite in Love—we truly see who we are and we see one another through the eyes of the Divine!” We love you!