Project Description


Multimedia Art by Sarah Jeane


We are awakening to our divinity experiencing God’s Love—experiencing purification and spiritual transcendence leading to true Bliss in the Heart.

Through the Heart Chakra, the Fourth Chakra, Tifereth brings harmony, unlimited devotion and compassion into the world, connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm through the Golden Spiral. The Golden Spiral personifies, within its unique mathematical properties, perfect vibrational divine consciousness embedded within the Tree of Life—appearing in nature and forever evolving in harmonic synergy with Mother Nature. We are integrating higher consciousness experienced from the heart, in meditation, awareness, rebirth, spiritual enlightenment, freedom, wholeness, generosity and in all qualities of love and compassion. Tifereth is the realm of the Tenth Dimension: From the First Dimension, the first dimensional vertical axis from the core crystal of the Earth Being ends in the 9D, located in the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way—connecting all Nine Dimensions creating the Tenth Dimension. Tifereth is associated with the Sun, providing light and life, the Light Source of all Rays, the Creator of the White Ray—the Home of the Elohim, Fulfillment.