Project Description


Multimedia Art by Sarah Jeane


We are in the place where Angels assist our prayers to be sent to God, to be divinely manifested within the world of physicality. It is the realm of the Third Dimension and the Second Chakra: The regenerative center of energy—the physical dimension—the linear space and time on Earth where we humans have been living with other biological creatures and plants. Yesod is the sphere of the energetic nature of both mind and matter, called the Aether, inviting and allowing spiritual transcendence within the physical plane—holding the attribute to unite Heaven and Earth, revealing the Garden of Eden within and without. Yesod is the world of beingness, transmitting the highest qualities and light energies from the spiritual bodies to the physical body, from one realm to another. It is the realm of the minerals, plants, and animals—the spiritual world of Angels—the human being who has a spiritual soul and physical body with the ability to transmit energies from one world to another. This realm guides us to discover our true identity. Yesod enhances your ability to assimilate the life force, prana. Yesod centered between Malchut (the body), Hod (thinking), and Netzach (feelings) balances these three forces to serve higher purposes. Yesod associated with the Moon is the Creator of the Royal Blue Ray—Commitment.