Project Description


Multimedia Art by Sarah Jeane


Within this sphere we are deeply cared for and prepared for divine work. Malchut represents the maternal aspect of the Creator—the womb of creation. Malchut relates to the earthly dominion—the physical world, the planets, and the solar system. We have access to the existence of divine sources of intelligence beyond the matters of the Earth. Within this sphere, the Archangel Sandalphon gives us permission to enter the Tree of Life and all its spheres, as we choose to express all qualities of love, reverence, and compassion. Within Malchut, the abiding attributes of the Feminine, the Shechinah, convey boundless nurturing Love leading to unity consciousness. Malchut represents the First Chakra directly related to the Omega Chakra located about eight inches below the end of our spine, connecting us to the Earth Being through an holographic grid of incarnations, anchoring the lower bodies. The Alpha Chakra and Omega Chakra form the electric, magnetic, and gravitational functions and act as anchors. Malchut represents the First Dimension, the Iron Core Crystal located in the heart center of the Earth Being. The vertical spinning axis starting within the Iron Core Crystal in the First Dimension ends in the Ninth Dimension, located in the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Within this vertical axis (10D) all dimensions are connecting. All Dimensions, within the Earth, are sourcing from the First Dimension of Gaia. The Core Crystal of the Earth has consciousness, emanating energetic fields of sounds, forms, symbols, and images connecting all life in sacred ways within an extraordinary divine design. Malchut is the Creator of the Red Ray and is associated with the Earth Being.