Project Description


Multimedia Art by Sarah Jeane


Through Binah we have access to the Sacred Languages of Light opening channels of crystalline vibration so that the body works directly with divine intelligence—the seeds of Truth.

Binah represents the womb or the Mother, the left brain hemisphere, the Creator of the Yellow Ray—Illumination.

Spiritual love, awareness, and discernment sourcing from the Heart are experienced. These crystalline divine qualities and channels form three Crystal Jewels in the Third Eye in the shape of a Pyramid. They are allowing an energetic flow moving to a spiritual template over the Crown Chakra, communing with the highest vibrations of unconditional Love and supreme Light. From Binah is sourcing the sacred languages from the Third Eye—a vibratory field that activates the Eight Chakra through the Seventh Chakra. Binah represents the Third Eye or Sixth Chakra, the Second Dimension (2D)—the realm between the Iron Core Crystal and the curved crust of the Earth. The union of Chochmah (the Father) and Binah (the Mother) represents the right and left hemispheres of the brain, is referred to in the Zohar as “two companions that never separate”. This sempiternal sacred union is essential for the everlasting rebirthing and rejuvenation of the world. The union of Chochmah and Binah leads to the birth of the seven attributes of the heart, the Seven Days of Creation (the womb of the Mother). Binah is associated with the Planet Saturn.