Sarah Jeane welcomes you to The Conscious Life Expo at her Booth, # 86C, where she will offer Angelic Counseling Healings and Readings—she will display her beautiful Ascension Art, Prints, Cards, Books and new CD (a 5D Meditation Ascension Workshop on CD, one hour healing process—a sequel to her two books).
• Sarah Jeane speaks Saturday the 11 of February at 8:00 PM—Room Century D: “Conscious Living with the Angels, Synergism Into Love, Angelic Light Codes”. It is a free lecture.
While channeling the Angelic Beings, she will offer a Healing, a 5D Ascension process. She will elaborate on the following (messages from Luminous Angelic Beings and facts based on her spiritual healing experiences): -How to Live from our Angelic Self -How to be in communion with the Luminous Angelic Beings and receive their loving nurturing support to move closer to God and be of service in that Love -How to experience the Love of Source and Oneness Consciousness with the help of the Angels – How to truly integrate the power of Love and our Divinity
• She leads you gently on a Journey of the Heart to experience your Angelic Self and your Divine communion with the Sacredness of Life—your inherent ability to experience the presence of the Angels in the “Love of the Christ Light Consciousness”. She shares Angelic Light Codes to support our global ascension, our innate ability to LOVE unconditionally—a Journey to Inner Peace! • Sarah Jeane has been embraced by the Light and guided by Luminous Angelic Beings into higher dimensional realms of consciousness to receive instant healing and messages of Love. The Angelic Beings have communicated to her that an important aspect of her work of service is to share their messages, how to recognize their presences, their nurturing loving support and guidance in our lives—as a bridge to move closer to God and our God-Self. She has dedicated her life to be of service in furtherance of Global Peace and Harmony—she lives her life in communion with Angelic Beings, Masters of Light, and Nature’s Intelligence. She has explored Energy Healing and learned about Energy Healing her whole life, and has been helping people worldwide to integrate their Angelic Self (she emphasizes that we are never separated from one another and from the Love Light of the Divine/Source/God because we are Divine Light and Love). Her knowledge and experience are based on her personal journey to heal herself and as a healer her vast studies and research in that field—additionally she is certified in a few healing modalities. Her personal abilities to recognize and read energy frequencies and commune with Angelic Luminous Beings and Masters of the Light, to see and hear into the invisible realms, open doorways of healing Light and clarity—helping people understanding their true essence and purpose.
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Angelic Healing Sessions: (To book a healing session or private class, you may contact Sarah Jeane at 310-804-3821 or please email her at You may read about her healing modalities and various classes at Within a Sacred space, guided by Luminous Angelic Beings and Divine Guides of the Light you will clear your energetic field and release into the Light traumas and pain—energies that do not belong to you and are blocking your joy of living. You will enjoy “Love” empowerment technics and processes directly channeled from “Source-the Angelic Realm” specifically designed “for you” to support your “forever expanding Journey” Into the Light with Joy and your Path of Service.
Workshops & Classes (in a group or one on one): She teaches numerous classes based on the “Multidimensionality of Energy Healing”, how to commune with Angelic Beings, Masters of the Light, and Nature’s Intelligence, and how to keep expanding the experience of your Angelic Self or God Self. She teaches people how to raise their energy frequencies in multidimensional ways, how to work with the Violet Flame, and how to awaken to the wholeness of the Tree of Life within—how to awaken to your Divine communion with the Tree of Life, a global Divine Design of Light encompassing all that is! As an Angelic channel, Sarah Jeane’s teachings and creative work are a source of expanded awareness, harmony, beauty, compassion, honoring, praise, and LOVE. May our World be embraced by the Christ Light as we open our Hearts to embrace our Light! Namaste, Sarah Jeane