Great Pyramid of Tarzana • Healing Meditation & Activation
Activate furthermore the Sacred Heart within the Sacred Portal of a Pyramid to expand your Light and your work of service.
Enjoy the holy vibrations within the Pyramid and raise your frequencies at Jeff’s Home, Sunday July 31, 2016 • 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
• Guided Meditation Hosted by Sarah Jeane • Jeff leads us in the powerful healing prayer from his Master
• Learn to be aware of your energetic frequency—learn to read your energetic frequency—read the energy of the crystals •
$22.00 Heart Donations • thank you!
Feel free to bring a pendulum!
We will pray and meditate within a powerful sacred space, moving through the Divine Portal of a Pyramid. Jeff has created within his home a beautiful meditative sacred space and is kindly inviting us to experience the healing benefits of the pyramid along with beautiful Crystal Devas. We will clear our space, activate furthermore the Sacred Heart and raise our frequencies communining with the Angels, Masters of the Light and Nature’s Intelligence. When we sustain high energetic frequencies or raise our frequencies we naturally release layers of energies which do not belong to us and we feel increasingly lighter and free. High energetic frequencies come from the heart—we open and activate our one Sacred Heart—our Field of Light becomes more powerful and healing to others and the world. We read our energetic frequencies in “Unity Bovis” before the meditation in the pyramid and after the meditation. We read energies within the pyramid. Sarah Jeane explains how to read energies. Toward the end we anchor this holy Light frequency within our whole beingness and hearts, and within the Earth. • If you wish to attend please contact Jeff at 818-625-2178 or email Jeff at: or contact Sarah Jeane at: – we will give you the address of the class.
Space limited to 10 people within the pyramid.
We are looking forward to share this sacred time with you!
Within the “Great Pyramid” it is natural to experience Oneness! It is an activated Portal guiding us to experience a natural Holy State of Being! The crystals are supporting our sacred journey! •••Multimedia Art created by Sarah Jeane”The God Self©”