You are invited to listen to “Love the Angels” radio show 
April 7 at 9:00 AM


HealthyLife.Net – All Positive Talk Radio

• 1st Friday, every month, 9:00 AM  PT  starting April 7, 2017

Sarah Jeane is a spiritual counselor healer, angelic channel, spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, author (Sarah Jeane’s books), visionary artist and graphic artist, illustrator and art director. Sarah Jeane communes and works with Angelic Beings, Masters of Light, and Nature’s Intelligence. She expresses “Light, the Sanctity of Life” in all that she creates in furtherance of global peace and harmony. She has been embraced by the Light and guided by Luminous Angelic Beings into higher dimensional realms of consciousness to receive instant healing and messages of Peace and Love.

“Love the Angels” show is all about opening our hearts to Love. When we understand on a deeper level our divine design, it becomes natural to love—we are then in a vibrational harmonic alignment with “All That Is”. It is a shift in consciousness from fear to love—we step into infinite possibilities within that Light frequency and Divine design. As many of you have, Sarah Jeane has experienced the Love of the Angels and the Masters of Light, a Love that is unconditional and sublime—it is walking in Heaven with the Divine. She says that the Angels are helping us to feel and know that we are loved by God and by all life. They inspire us to open our hearts to Love, to move closer to God and experience our God-Self or Angelic Self.

• Topic of this first month show—April 7: “Create a Sacred Space” Sarah Jeane will walk you through the different aspects of Creating a Sacred Space” and what that really means. In other words when we create a sacred space “we pray in”—it is going into a deeper place within, leading to the heart space—we place ourselves in God‘s hands. As we connect deeper within our hearts we also open a deeper connection with others and it becomes a Divine communion.  Why do we pray in? Why do we Create a Sacred Space? Sarah Jeane will answer these questions and elaborate on the subject April 7, 2017 at 9:00 AM, offering tools to raise our energy frequencies and delve into higher dimensional realms of Consciousness.  

“I am looking forward to share that special uplifting time with you, April 7 at 9:00 AM.” •
  • My friend musicien and composer Dov, created a beautiful angelic soundtrack for “Love the Angels” show. You will also be able to listen to Dov’s angelic sounds on my CD meditation workshop  and on these two websites: & You may contact Dov at            

Upcoming Workshops: April 8-9 and April 15-16, Sarah Jeane teaches in a small group how to create a sacred space and clear the energy field, how to be a conduit of Light, an Angelic Channel, within that sacred alignment with Heaven and Earth. (Sarah Jeane teaches all her classes in a group or one on one.)

If you wish that she teaches in a different location at a different date, please contact her at

• You may read about Sarah Jeane’s list of tutorials:

• Additionally, you may contact Sarah Jeane to enroll in any other class or if you wish a healing session.

• Please contact Sarah Jeane at, with your questions and/or issues related to these topics, you will receive messages and answers from the Angels of Light. 

• In our Next month show, May 5th, we will talk about the Portal of the Heart! May all the forces of Love be with you!

Angels’ Blessings,
Sarah Jeane                                                                                                                                                                              
• You may contact Sarah Jeane at