Saint Germain and the Angels of the Violet Flame
with Sibli SarahJeane, Angelic Channel Healer
Sunday, January 28, at 1:00 PM
Center of the Heart
487 N. Turnpike Rd.
Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Love Donation at the door: $30.00
Pre-register by January 25 for $25.00
You may attend via zoom too as a second option.
Would you like to experience the powerful healing gifts of the Sacred Violet Flame, the blessings of the Angels of the Violet Flame and healing force? It is God’s Love in action!
Would you like to know how to invite the Violet Flame into your life as your best friend, to clear karma, heal your bodies, harmonize and energize all aspects of your being?
At the time of Atlantis, St. Germain the Lord of the Seventh Ray, has brought us the gift of the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation, a Sacred Fire of Spiritual Alchemy, guiding us to ascend and embody the Divine Human within us.
When working with the Violet Flame it is important that the feelings in your heart hold the sincere desire to awaken and ascend to be of service as a pure interdimensional being-you are then in communion with the Heart of the Violet Flame.
I am looking forward to basking in that Sacred Violet Light with you!
With all my Love and Gratitude, Namaste,
Important: Please bring blankets and/or yoga mats to lie down (optional).
Book signing by Sibli at the event.
“Sibli is an Angelic Channel Healer, Author, “Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine—Shamanic Medicine—Soul Retrieval”, Soul Memory Discovery Practitioner and Teacher, Theta Healing Practitioner and Teacher, Angelic Light Code Channel, Artist of Light and Graphic Artist. Her profound insights, gained through meditation, channeling, and healing modalities, transcend the physical realm. In higher dimensions, she discovered her angelic self, immersed in divine light and unity consciousness, guided by celestial beings. Inspired by these encounters, she shares the transformative power of Light and serves all of life.”
“Heart of the Violet Flame” Multimedia Art by Sibli SarahJeane