Blessings Dear Angels!

As an Angelic channel, in prayer and meditation, I received the blessing to bestow twelve doorways of light reflected in an artistic symbolic expression, supporting individual and global transcendence. This artwork is presented in my book, “Sacredness of Life”. Additionally, this artistic representation epitomizes the essence of my first book “Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to your God-Self”.

These Doorways of Light are guiding you through a Divine Portal encompassing God’s divine qualities. They are inviting you to navigate within the wonders of life and of your inner sacred being, diving deeper and deeper within the heart of your essence—allowing and activating the divine presence inherent to your Angelic Self. It is your God Self. In that sacred space every human being is invited to live within the consciousness of his or her true Self—liberating divine creative potentialities and possibilities unlimitedly.

Every image represents one aspect of God illustrated with its specific color light ray, divine synergy, and dimension. The energetic emanation and messages of these twelve artistic images provide a support to harmonize and purify all your bodies and your whole energy field. They activate your sacred energy centers and your strands of DNA/RNA with Light. Your light body is awakening. You are raising your consciousness toward higher dimensions of light.

Sacredness of Life” illustrates the Tree of Life embedded within our divine design. The Tree of Life awakens when we choose unconditional love—when our unified heart is activated to reveal and express all qualities of compassion, honoring, and unconditional love. A consciousness of the heart reflects and holds the quintessence of all life.

“As a new era is unfolding, the Tree of Life is activated within its new polarities. Every human being with all life is being rebalanced and anchored within these new polarities of Light consciousness to serve in divine ways, revealing a New Earth.”


Sarah Jeane


You may order: “Twelve Doorways of Light: Sacredness of Life”

Enlightenment in the New World
Energetic Harmonization Through Pictographic Art

Published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House

The size of this Perfect Bound Softcover is 8.5“ X 11” with 68 pages of colorful spiritual insights and images supporting your spiritual journey—Ebook also available from Balboa Press.